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Evelyn Griffin
13 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,2 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Evelyn has curly, shoulder-length brown hair and piercing green eyes. Her skin is a light olive shade, and her face is slightly round. She has thick, dark eyebrows. Evelyn is of a shorter height, she stands at 4 feet and 4 inches tall, with a slim, willowy build.

Evelyn is shy and mild-mannered, but comes out of her shell once she gets to know someone. She is highly ambitious despite her shy and sometimes insecure nature. She has no history of poor mental health and is well-adjusted.

Evelyn's mother Fiona is a muggle-born, and her father Davyd is a pureblood wizard of Welsh heritage. They met as students at Hogwarts and settled in London, where Davyd works for the Spirit Division within the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic. Fiona also worked at the Ministry of Magic, in the Obliviator HQ, but now holds down a regular job as an administrator for a financial company in central London.

Evelyn had a good childhood with a loving family. As her parents are both of magical ability, as well as her extended family on her father's side, she has been around magic all her life and aware that she would likely be a witch herself. She was educated at a prestigious muggle primary school in London, where she achieved high grades. Due to her shy nature, she doesn't have many friends, but she has two close friendships with a boy and girl she met in her first year at primary school - Zachary and Rosie.

Evelyn's first incident of accidental underage magic occurred when she was nine-years-old. Their neighbour's dog managed to enter their back garden through a hole in the fence whilst she played with Rosie during the summer holidays, and approached them both, barking and snarling. Rosie ran inside but Evelyn remained in the garden, frozen in fear. Just as the dog reached her, an invisible force flung him back, preventing him from advancing any closer to her. Davyd managed to use magic to banish the dog back to the neighbour's garden, as well as fixing the hole in the fence, which was concealed behind a bush and had gone unnoticed. Fiona used her skills in memory charms to erase any memory of the event from Rosie's mind.