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Marcellus-Eros Flores
02 Jul 2012
Manchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,2 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Marcel is pretty much a golden retriever and his appearance reflects that. He has short brown hair that appears dirty blond in certain lights and bright green eyes that are framed by long, dark eyelashes. His mouth is slightly tilted up on one side as if it is to form a permanent smirk, his preference for sports is show on his skin that is tan and lightly freckled along with the occasional bruise. He is also taller than most kids his age, and he's often mistaken for an older kid but he doesn't take offense, he actually thinks it's funny that most people assume he's older than his actual age. Those that have met him say he smells strongly of strawberries due to his habit of baking with his mother and siblings. His style consists mostly of jeans and long sleeved shirts with a moderate amount of clothes made for the summer and other seasons.

Mental Description: Marcel is an easily excitable person with a preference for brawn over brain, he has a habit of not making rational decisions which he has been scolded for many times. He, courtesy of his second name, is a huge romantic and sometimes a flirt, although it's mostly teasing and flattering others. He admittedly often hyper fixates on one thing and nothing can distract him from overanalyzing whatever he's focused on. He's a natural born leader, known for taking control of a situation most people would deem impossible to control. His biggest flaw is that he is what most would call, thickheaded, the poor boy is practically a living ken doll, meaning he lacks intelligence in certain areas others would have little to no issue in but that’s not to say that he isn’t smart, he just has a harder time processing new information. While sports will always be his go-to activity, he has a special place in his heart for music, he's been known to sing a song and tickle the ivories from time to time. He sees the world in shades of gray despite his naivety on certain subjects, he believes that if you only see the world in black and white, you'll never truly be able to reach what his mother calls: your true potential.

Biography: Born in the summer of July 2nd, a baby boy was born to a young woman named Christine Flores, she named him Marcellus-Eros but affectionately called him Marcel/Eros.

Christine was born in Madrid to a pure blood mother and father along with three siblings, but she was sent to live with her grandparents in England because he parents wanted her to go to Hogwarts, where she was sorted into Slytherin.

After she'd graduated from Hogwarts she'd moved back home to Madrid where she met the love of her life, Everett Amadeus, a Roman born muggle with habit of running into trouble. The witch and the muggle were practically conjoined by the hip, whenever one was somewhere the other wouldn't be far behind.

After she'd pursued a relationship with Everett her mother refused to speak to her, she didn't want muggle blood tainting their family but Christine was blinded by her love for the muggle, she'd even ignored his faults. The faults that would one day be too obvious for her to ignore.

Christine was in love and when she'd found out she was pregnant, she was ecstatic but her lover didn't share the same enthusiasm and to put it bluntly, he left. Marcel's grandmother, Clarisse Flores, had been happy to hear the news of her daughter's pregnancy and had quickly forgotten her anger at her daughter's relationship with the absent muggle but she always mentioned it in future arguments.

Christine fell into a deep depression and she'd even contemplated giving the baby up for adoption but once she looked into the baby's green, she couldn't let him go. After giving birth to Marcel, she'd chosen to move to England and open her own bakery but this time, it was her and the best thing in her life, a dramatic but adorable baby named Marcellus.

Marcel's mother was born into a wealthy family which made the moving process go on smoothly, he'd been uncomfortable at the sudden change in environment but other than the discomfort he'd been content with the change. His mother had opened her bakery a few years after the move but there was no shortage of love and affection from her, he was always right by his mother's side, helping her bake with a smile on his face.

After he'd turned 6, his mother met a wizard named Daniel Fairfield and even he'd seen that they had a lot in common, he'd spent anytime Daniel visited trying to matchmake the two of them. Time passed and soon his mother and Daniel were married, but his mother had chosen to keep her last name, which was a decision Daniel had respected.

Marcel had found himself fast friends with Daniel twins from his first marriage, Belle and Joshua. Marcel and his new siblings were a mischievous force to be reckoned with, their tutors had to keep the three of them quite a distance away from each other to prevent mishaps and pranks.

Marcel was the only one of the children who wanted to participate in sports, his mother and stepfather supported his decision, and signed him up for multiple sports. He had somehow convinced them to get a puppy who he named Dove because of its pure white fur, Dove became his best friend and favorite family member. He was disappointed when his mother said he couldn't take Dove to Hogwarts but he perked up once she told him he would be able to get one to take to Hogwarts from Diagon Alley.

He was a rather popular kid thanks to his kindness and habit of "picking up strays" but he was a sore loser and had a nasty temper which made most of the adults in the neighborhood be very distrustful of him, not that he was cared. Out of everything he's ever been happy about, nothing can compare to the day he got his Hogwarts letter, he could finally go to Hogwarts with the twins after all.

First Instance of Magic: His first instance of magic wasn't very exciting but it was at the very least something. Two-year-old Marcel wanted to get his toy car off the shelf but he was unfortunately too small and just when he was about to give up and go find another toy, it started floating off of the shelf and into his hilariously outstretched arms.