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Linda Crux
09 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,6 cm walnut wood and wampus cat hair
Physical Description: Linda is a short girl, standing at about 4'11", with a petite and delicate frame. She has straight, shoulder-length blonde hair that she often wears in a neat bob. Her skin is fair, and she has a warm, friendly smile that lights up her face. Her eyes are a deep blue, giving her an approachable and kind appearance. She prefers simple yet elegant clothing, often wearing dresses in soft pastel colors paired with comfortable flats. She has a favorite silver locket that she always wears, a gift from her grandmother.

Mental Description: Linda is a highly intelligent and kind-hearted individual. She has a sharp mind and a love for learning, particularly in the fields of magical history and charms. She is incredibly loyal to her friends and always ready to lend a helping hand. Her kindness and patience make her a great listener, and she often finds herself being the confidant of her peers. While she can be shy and reserved around new people, she quickly warms up and reveals her gentle sense of humor. She is also very determined and hardworking, never giving up on something she believes in. Her greatest fear is letting down those she loves, which sometimes leads her to take on too much responsibility.

Biography: Linda grew up in a charming, quaint house in a quiet village surrounded by lush countryside. Her family is close-knit and loving; her father, Edward Crux, is a Muggle architect with a passion for old buildings, and her mother, Eliza Crux, is a skilled witch who works as a healer at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. She has a younger sister, Emma, who looks up to her with admiration and often follows her around. The Crux family places great importance on education and kindness, encouraging her to explore her interests and nurture her compassionate nature.

Her childhood was filled with love and curiosity. She spent a lot of time in her father's study, marveling at his architectural drawings, and in her mother's herb garden, learning about various magical plants and their healing properties. Her best friend, Alice, is a Muggle girl from the village, and the two of them would often play together, sharing stories and dreams about magical adventures. Her home life was stable and supportive, with her parents always there to guide her and celebrate her achievements.

First Instance of Magic: Linda's first instance of accidental magic happened when she was six years old. She was playing in the garden with her sister Emma when Emma tripped and scraped her knee. Linda, feeling an intense desire to make her sister feel better, reached out to comfort her. As she touched Emma's knee, a warm, golden glow emanated from her hand, and the scrape healed instantly. Both sisters stared in amazement before running to tell their parents.