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Hannah Floyd
26 Jun 2012
Ely, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,5 cm cedar wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: I am a short brunette with green-blue eyes (natural) and glasses. My hair is curly and a little lower than shoulder length. I have a little bit of green dyed hair but it is not noticeable and is hard to see.

Mental Description: I am a sweet bubbly kind person who is shy and warms up to people a bit slower than other people. I am confident in some cases but prefer to stick to the shadow in some cases. While I can handle people sometimes I prefer to curl up with a book in the common room. I love to be warm. I am quiet for the most part but can grow a bit of an attitude around those I trust.

Biography: I didn't have many friends before hogwarts as there weren't a lot of children my age in the area so for the most part I stayed in y families manor with a book in the library of playing with our family pet snake. I have a mom and dad and no siblings. I used to have 1 sibling, they were born first, but she died when I was young by rouge spell that knocked her into a near by lake, to which she drowned. My mom's name is Katherine and my dad's name is Theodore. I love both of them very much and they love me. They were both Slytherin but might have gone to Ravenclaw if not Slytherin. They work with the ministry but have gone on many business trips to different ministries. They always take me with them to which I always act like the perfect child. They are very protective which is understandable considering my late older brother's death.

First Instance of Magic: When I was 3 I fell down the stairs. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the moment I hit the floor but it never came. I accidentally used my magic to make myself float and stay off the ground.