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Haley Chaffin
29 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,2 cm chestnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: Haley is 4 foot 6 inches and is of average/slim build. She has golden blond hair with some lighter pieces due to sunlight exposure. She has light tan skin during the summer time but is pale during winter. She has her first and second ears pierced.

Mental Description: Haley is a charismatic and sweet girl when people are on her good side. However, she is not a doormat and will speak up if anyone disrespects her or her friends. She is very intelligent and loves to have a good time all the time.

Biography: Haley is a pure blood coming from a long line of pure families. However, her family doesn’t discriminate against muggle born children and are welcoming to all faces. They have house elves that are free but do still work for the Chaffin family out of loyalty and love for them. Haley’s father is Robert Chaffin and is an aura. Her mother is Tiffany Chaffin a healer at St. Mungos. Haley had an older brother Nichalos that’s a 3rd year and has 2 younger sisters that are 9, Willa, and 3, Avery.

b]First Instance of Magic: Haley’s first instance of magic happened at her brothers birthday party last year. Her and her sisters were climbing in the trees in their garden around their home. Willa fell off one of the branches and Haley used magic to stop her sister in midair from falling.