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Estella Miller
24 Jun 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
27,3 cm ash wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: I am 4'7 in height with blonde hair. I have a freckled face with light blue eyes and naturally long lashes. 

Mental Description: I would describe myself as a confident young lady. I speak my mind to those I trust, but when it comes to strangers, I am usually quiet and avoid confrontation unless truly provoked. 

Biography: I grew up in a blood traitor family, so I didn't have any other pureblood friends. For basic education, my parents decided to homeschool me, which meant I wasn't able to meet other magical children except for family friend's children. I often go by Ella for a nickname or Ellie by those closest to me. I didn't grow up overly wealthy, unlike most purebloods, but I consider my family richer than most Muggle-Borns and half-bloods. My mother came from a prejudiced family, so when she married my father, a blood traitor, she got disowned. My father grew up in North America and went to Ilvermorny, but he moved to London a year after he met my mother so he could be with her.
First Instance of Magic: At the age of 5 years old, I got into a yelling match with my mother over something that upset and angered me. It was to the point where I accidentally started a fire where I was sitting, causing my mother to rush and have to use her magic to extinguish it.