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Annabeth Stingleson
13 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,4 cm sycamore wood and dragon heartstring
My character's name is Annabeth Stingleson.
She lives in london, England.

Physical Description: (Her real name is Annabeth T-T) She is a 11 year old young girl with red long hair to shoulder length, pale green shiny eyes, pale skin, and very little makeup. She is short, her height being 4'7 and she always wears a red ribbon. The red ribbon was given to her by her mother.

Mental Description: Annabeth is a kind and sneaky girl with many friends. She is a bit shy at first but when you get to know her, she is very kind and playful. She loves to cook which means potions would be a good class for her. She had heard of hogwarts by her older brother and started hoping to meet the professors and the other slytherins.

Biography: Annabeth has three siblings, two younger and one older. Her younger sister is named Lizzy, short for Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a 9 year old girl with the same colored hair and eyes as her twin brother named Andrew. Anna's older brother, Sam, was a slytherin student. Her dad, Tyler, worked at a candy shop. Lastly, we have Anna's mother, Beth. Beth named both of her girls after her name, Annabeth and Elizabeth. Anna also has a family siamese cat named Simon.

First Instance of Magic: Anna was sweeping once and pretended to be Sam, accidentally making the broomstick fly. She was 7 years old.