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Delilah Fraser
17 Nov 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
29,5 cm hornbeam wood and dragon heartstring
Delilah Fraser is 4 foot 3 inches tall. She has big brown eyes and freckles. Her hair is midback length and red-orange. Her favorite color is green, so she is typically seen wearing a green article of clothing. She is skinny, but athletic. Her shoe size is a size two.

Delilah has always been a decently happy individual and never seems to be able to get rid of the smile on her face, even in serious situations. (often getting her in more trouble) She is a very big people person, very outgoing and extroverted. If you give her a book, she could be entertained for hours. Reading and writing are some of her absolute favorite hobbies. She relishes every opportunity to gush about the latest series she's reding or story she's writing. But because of her love of being social, she usually agrees to any activity involving other people, unless it cuts into her time doing schoolwork.

Delilah comes from the very unknown pure-blood Fraser family. She has a family of five, made up of her mother- Sara Fraser - her father- Fergus Fraser - her older sister- Dona Fraser - and her little brother - Sam Fraser. Delilah gets her looks from her mother and her personality from her father. Her sister has already finished school and started her career. And Sam is two years younger than her. Delilah was born and raised in Aberdeen, Scotland. Until the year previous her first in Hogwarts, Delilah was homeschooled. Her best friend came from that school and is going to go to Hogwarts as well. Her father is a Quidditch player and taught her how to ride a broom when she was 8, and she became quite good at it.

When Delilah was 7 years old, her first bit of magic showed up. She had been fighting with her brother, Sam, who was 5 at the time. They had been fighting over one of her toys that she had gotten for Christmas that year, a toy that she had really wanted and ended up getting, so she didn't want her brother to be playing with it. In a fit of anger and just wanting her toy back, it burst into flames, causing Delilah and Sam to scream, which caused their parents to run up to them. Fergus and Sara put out the fire with their wands, and asked what happened, Delilah yelled that it was all Sam's fault, but his magic didn't show up for another 3 years, so it couldn't have been him. When her parents finally came to the conclusion that it had been Delilah's magic, they were proud of her and explained that that's what had happened.