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Jess McLeod
12 Nov 2011
Sunningdale, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,6 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
I’m about 4 foot 7, with short, bright blonde hair and light blue eyes. I wear glasses and have a few freckles. Sure, I might be short, but I’m feisty and strong. My dad likes to call me his little 'étoile à neutrons' (neutron star) - he’s always been fascinated by astronomy!

My primary school teachers always described me as a 'zealous' and 'gifted' student. People also say I have an instinctive empathy and sensibility in assessing difficult situations. Honestly, though, I find it hard to see myself like that, and I end up questioning my adequacy - do I even deserve the praise people often give me? On a happier note, if you find me on a good day, my laugh is really infectious.

When I was 7, my mum, Abi, a muggleborn Quidditch player, was killed. While on a tour in Japan, she was ambushed by a wild Kappa, and didn’t have a cucumber on her, so with no time to try tricking it into bowing, her fate was pretty much sealed. There’s no denying the hole in my heart where she belongs. Fortunately, my dad, Guillaume, a half-blood Ministry employee, has been by my side ever since, and we’re riding the highs and lows of grief together like a true father-daughter duo. All family on my mum's side lives in New Zealand, so visits to see them are few and far between, but they’re a comforting reminder of the whimsical craziness my mum used to exhibit. My dad doesn't really talk to his family...

After my mum died, my dad did everything he could to make sure I stayed in touch with my non-magical side, so I went to a French primary school (if you couldn't already tell from his name, my dad's French!), and it taught me a lot about how muggles function without magic! Honestly, muggles definitely got some things right, like phones! I mean, who would want to stick their face in a fire when they could just facetime instead? That’s one thing I’ll miss at school - I read in ‘Hogwarts, A History’ that muggle inventions don’t work there, so I guess I’ll have to leave my phone at home.

I absolutely love Quidditch! Obviously, I support my mum's team. I still remember sitting in the stadium, watching her bat bludgers straight at the opposing chasers like an absolute champ! Sometimes I wonder whether I’ll ever be like her… I practice on her old Firebolt whenever I can, but dad makes sure I take good care of it because it was mum’s most prized possession. Speaking of Quidditch, guess how my mum and dad met! Since my dad works in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, he was given a free ticket to one of her games, and it was love at first sight! He still thinks she was totally out of his league...

My dad had to tell me about my first instance of accidental magic, because I don’t remember it one bit! Apparently, I was 4 when I was pulled underwater by a strong current while at the beach in Waikanae, New Zealand. After a long thirty seconds, in which my mum searched frantically for me, I just skipped happily out of the sea, my mouth and nose surrounded by a bubble. Somehow, I managed to cast a bubblehead charm, which is super cool, because I’d have no idea how to do that now!