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Lucifer Mathew Aryan Massey
19 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
33,2 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Personality: Lucifer Mathew Aryan Massey is no ordinary 11 year old. Although he seems a bit too petite compared to his other peers, his arrogance and wit holds much more magnitude than them. People might mistake him for an introvert but those who he holds dear to himself would vouch to the contrary. Lucifer chooses his own people. He is not someone who would blindly put his faith in someone. He possesses a rare gift of inquiring into things. He is dedicated and does suffer from intellectual complexity. Being the smartest in the room is his compulsion.

Appearance: Lucifer stands at four feet and eleven inches. He is a brunette with silky black hair, significant of his family, The Massey’s. He has a charming smile, completed by his dimples, however rarely he gives people the occasion to notice it. He has deep brown eyes, which speak more than he does.

Background: Lucifer is a pureblood. His mother works at the ministry whereas father is an explorer and researcher of ancient runes. His family is one the oldest ones carrying the magic blood. He is an only child. His magic surfaced first when he was about seven. He was constantly being teased by his cousins. As Lucifer got furious upon their constant chattering, he led out a huge burst of cry. Shattering the window pane in the room.

Lucifer along with his family resides in London. His home, as built by his ancestors seem like an ordinary cottage to muggles. However to people who possess the sight to see beyond the mundane, it seems like a mansion called “ The Massey Estate”.