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Blitz Dragon
Wizard born
03 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
21,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring

Height: 4'11
Build: Lean and athletic, with a slightly wiry frame that suggests agility and speed.
Hair: Dark brown, almost black, that falls in soft waves just above the ears.
Eyes: Deep hazel with flecks of green and gold, often appearing almost amber in the sunlight. Blitz Dragon’s eyes are sharp and observant, reflecting a keen intellect and an insatiable curiosity.
Skin Tone: Light olive complexion, with a hint of a tan from spending time outdoors.
Facial Features: High cheekbones, a straight nose, and a sharp jawline.
Clothing Style: Blitz Dragon prefers comfortable yet stylish clothing. A typical outfit might include a fitted sweater, jeans, and a pair of worn leather boots. A simple silver necklace with a small Dragon pendant, a gift from Blitz Dragon’s mother, is always worn.

Curiosity: Has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, often spending hours in the library researching various topics, math and science
Empathy: Though reserved, Blitz Dragon is a good listener and offers thoughtful advice to friends in need, showing a deep understanding of others’ emotions.
Determination: Faces challenges head-on with a determined attitude, like standing up for a friend.

Blitz Dragon was born on a crisp autumn morning in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, in a quaint village known as Dunveil. The Dragon family is a long line of wizards, deeply rooted in magical heritage. His parents, Thaddeus and Isolde Dragon, are both esteemed members of the magical community; Thaddeus is a renowned Herbologist, and Isolde is a talented Charms Master. They live in an ancient, ivy-covered stone cottage surrounded by an expansive enchanted forest, which has been in the Dragon family for generations.

Blitz Dragon's first magic occurred at six, transforming fireplace flames into vibrant colors and shapes, mesmerizing his family and sparking his lifelong fascination with spellcraft and the natural elements.