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Paula Damelio
16 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,3 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Tall girl with long dark hair, fair skin, brown eyes... I am 150 cm tall and weigh 42 kg.
I like to sing and dance, as a hobby. Sometimes he reads books or novels, but not about love. I like to watch series or movies, even if I don't do it very often. I quite like basketball and playing video games. I like to eat healthy and my favorite food is pasta salad, water is my favorite beverage. I like to get along with everyone, but I don't usually consider someone my friend until I've been with that person for a while. I like to dress comfortably for myself and not to please others. I like a lot of animals, mammals, but I'm disgusted by insects or bugs of that type. My favorite color is blue, although it used to be red. For clothes I love blue, red, green, black or white colors. A lot of people I got along with really well have hurt me a lot and that's why I don't usually trust people much at first, but I don't leave them bad. I hope to be in Gryffindor, I love that house, because it reflects values that I think represent me, such as bravery and courage. As weird as it is, I really love their eternal rival, Slytherin. And even if they don't get along very well, I very much agree that sometimes they give away points to the lions for anything unfair.
I have a mother and a father; Both are Half-blood. I was always told about the wizarding world, but I studied at a private school before entering Hogwarts; my parents thought I should know the basics of life before I entered Hogwarts. I live with them in a big house. I don't have any siblings. I have few friends.
My first FIoM was in England, near a neighborhood where my grandmother lived. I was five years old and I was playing with my grandmother's dog when some children a little older than me, about eight years old, came to bother me. I got really at them because they scared my big dog and because they called me a lot of swearing. Suddenly it started to get very cold and raining, but only the wind, as if it had life, began to bother them and they left in fear.