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Susan Jackson
Wizard born
23 Jan 2012
Preston, England
First year, Slytherin
27,0 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
I have been told that I am a kind and caring person and that I am very loyal to my friends and fiercely protective of them. My biggest hobby is reading, but I do enjoy watching my mother brew potions (she’s a healer and a great one at that). I can be a bit awkward and shy around new people, but I’m very chatty to those I’m comfortable around. I have dark curly hair that I inherited from my father and bright green eyes and pale skin from my mother. I am also quite short, roughly 139cm. I am a Pureblood witch. My mother and father attended Hogwarts, my mother a Ravenclaw and my father a Gryffindor, they were both from Preston, which is where we live now. The first time I performed accidental magic was when I was 8 years old. My grandparents came over to visit to have dinner with us, and my grandparents on my father’s side had got me the most horrible, awful-looking robes, and I refused to wear them. Mother tried desperately to get me to wear the robes, but every time she tried to get them over my head, they would shrink more and more until they could only fit a doll. I was worried that my family would be mad at me, but alas, they were ecstatic that I showed magical capabilities. I think they were worried that I was a squib because my nose was always stuck in a book. Father insisted that I should go to Hogwarts as it is the best wizarding school in the world. I'm a bit nervous about making friends, but my parents have both told me such wonderful things about Hogwarts, so I can’t wait to start my own chapter there.