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Yui Astrikós
08 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,7 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
She has a soft face and shining brown eyes, Her is long to just above her waist with a natural brown. She stands at 4'7 having a taller torso rather than taller legs and naturally smooth hands.

To anyone she talks to she presents a kind tone and treats people well, she has a set of morals that she follows, relating to kind actions. She can be a courageous and fun soul, she can keep to herself sometimes and not 'life of the party' gal yet enjoys her hobbies passionately. She have love for many sports, growing up watching football matches and racing along with other sports.

Accidental magic
In the summer she was 9, she had been growing a tomato plant in a pot she kept in her house, when she was tending too the growing plant her mother came in t let her know of a vacation trip to the Wales, she loved traveling and was extremely excited. In that moment the plant burst from her excitement, she was surprised by what occurred and after upset about her lost efforts but she moved on from it. It was odd but her mother had a feeling it may be magic.

She's born from a witch mother and a muggle father and the first of her two siblings, her a middle child, to show magical abilities. In her home in London she has a young Golden retriever pup with an outgoing personality. With her sweet personality she also has a love for sweets, sugary and sour types are her favorite. She loves walks and is entranced by beautiful scenery, clouds, sun rise and sunset, hill views and the night skies are what she admires most. Her favorite colour is a pure red, this continuous with red roses being her favorite flowers.