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Harry Casey
11 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,3 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Harry is 5'0", he has brown, messy hair. his laces are often untied and his shirt is often untucked. he has a peppering of freckles across his nose. he has very poor eyesight but often loses his glasses. he usually wears sweaters and jeans. he smells of black coffee. he has hazel eyes with gold flecks.
harry is very awkward but loves his friends so much, he is very clever and works very hard, he is autistic and has ADHD, he's very affectionate and kind, he loves very deeply. he loves animals and history as well as reading, drawing, and playing guitar. his favourite drink is an iced black Americano, he collects chocolate frog cards and has 61/62, he journals and loves writing poetry and stories. he absolutely adores David bowie and the smiths, he can play the entirety of 'the rise and fall of Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars' on guitar. he really wants to be in a band.
His home life is pretty unstable, so he goes to his muggle friends from primary school's house for the majority of the summer. however he is unsure of how they will react if he ever did tell them about him being a wizard (statute of secrecy and everything) so where he will go this following summer is potentially ambiguous. his upbringing was unsettling, he loves his mum so much but she struggles to look after him. this is because she works undercover as an auror and so can rarely be in contact with harry. He lives full time with his grandpa.
his first experience with magic was when he was five years old and he was having a temper tantrum about having to wear a wooly hat, so the hat was set alight.