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Jaymee Adams
16 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,4 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
I have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. My glasses are red. I am 150cm - tall for my age.

Jaymee was born on the 16th of August 2012 in St Mungos Hospital. She was born to pure blood wizard Hanalei Fischer-Adams and pure-blood wizard Nicholas Adams. Her mother was born in Germany and moved to England when Hanalei was nine. Her father was born in England. She was born with 4 older sisters with the oldest being 7, the next being 6, the next 4 and the next 2. My character is sassy and has a dark side. She tends to keep herself away from those who try to be loud and express their ideas. Her favorite colors are black, green and silver. She plays piano and quidditch.

I have 6 sisters, Melanie, Hanna, Kiera, Delilah, Beth and Fleur. My mum works at the Ministry of Magic so my dad raised us. My dad attended Hogwarts with my Mum. Mum was in Slytherin and Dad was in Hufflepuff. Melanie, Hanna, Kiera and Delilah are all Hogwarts students with Melanie and Delilah in Hufflepuff, Kiera in Gryffindor and Hanna in Ravenclaw. My grandparents also attended Hogwarts. Melanie is a 7th year, Hanna a 6th year, Kiera a 4th year and Delilah a 2nd year. Melanie plans to become a professor after graduation, hoping to major in potions

I was about 10 years old when the event occurred. I was walking home from the Carson's house where Mrs. Carson teaches me, her children and a few other pure-blood children. There was this one boy named Lucas Benham, a pure-blood wizard with a nasty tongue who used to bully me. He was on break from Hogwarts at the time. Anyway, as I was walking over this bridge, he ran up to me with a couple of his friends and started yelling "Red head! Loser! Little Disgrace!" and other things. I tried to keep walking but Lucas grabbed my hair and pulled me to the edge of the bridge. My older sister Melanie was on her way to play quidditch when she saw me. She was just about to cast a spell, as she was 17, when Lucas pushed me off the bridge. I was expecting impact, so I covered my head with my arms, but I wasn't falling anymore I was floating. Slowly, I landed on the ground. Melanie flew down on her Nimbus 2001 and fussed over me but somehow, I was fine. She hoisted me up onto her broom and flew me home. Mother fussed and Father fumed as he went to go and find Lucas, I blacked out from complete and utter confusion and never found out how it ended