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Senrias Forcite
Wizard born
03 Oct 2011
Charleston, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,4 cm hornbeam wood and snallygaster heartstring
Senrias was a very beautiful girl from a very young age. She had warm brown hair, almost always in a pretty braid. She's very fit and has a 6 pack. She is often underestimated by boys. She is 4 foot 4 and has good posture. Her eyes are green and she is light skinned. She has a thin scar down her left leg.

Senrias is a brave young woman who loves some adventure. She loves to read and gets all A's, but she is very active and loves to race toy broom sticks. She enjoys learning about muggles and how different they are from us. Her favorite activity is hiking in the countryside.

Senrias was born on a small farm in a rural town of wizards. Her father died at a very young age, she developed a very strong relationship with her mother. She had lots of chores, like splitting wood and helping run the farm, so she was very strong. She helped her mother cook almost everyday, so she became a very good cook. She and her best friend flew around the farm on their brooms, doing tricks and racing each other. She often dreamed of flying up and taking one of the stars out of the sky and giving it to her mother.

Senrias' first encounter with magic came when she was 7 years old. She was cooking a batch of cookies, she got very mad at a small bird that had gotten in the kitchen and accidentally turned it into a teacup. The crash when it hit the ground caused her to jump back and trip, knocking into a knife and slicing her down the side of her leg. Senrias choose to keep the scar rather than have it removed by magical means, because she did not want to cause her mother more financial difficulties. To this day, her mother does not know about it, and she considers it part of her now.