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Raania Durrani
16 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,0 cm acacia wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Appearance: Medium length wavy black hair, green eyes, 4,11 in height. Likes to wear skirts, and has earrings.

Personality: Shy, fun, loyal, bookworm, kind, stands up for friends and people. Likes hanging out in the library to read and study. Likes to help out when she can.

Biography: From a family of half wizards and half muggles, and has no siblings. She has few friends because she is shy, but they were all muggles so she had to be careful not to show her true self around them. As she grew older, her shyness wore off a little and she was able to talk and play with new people more often. Sometimes she gets lonely because her parents are usually busy with their jobs. She was born and still lives in London, England.

First Instance of Magic: She was 9, and accidentally cast a spell on somebody at the park. She didn't know how to reverse it until her father noticed and came over to help.

Likes: Reading, music, nature, animals, ice cream, old / vintage objects.

Dislikes: Loud spaces, too many people, spiders.

Although she has a hard time making new friends, she is a great person to know and will always help someone if they need it. Especially with studying, it's her strong spot so she'll gladly help you.