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Ethan Baker
23 Apr 2012
Sheffield, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,0 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
As a young boy of brown hair and a pale complexion, nothing about Ethan's appearance draws attention. He stands just over average height for his age, while being slightly skinnier than most. Despite these unspectacular features, Ethan's behaviors inspire curiosity --- and sometimes offense.

When faced with a puzzle or task, he becomes enraptured with the possibilities. A sense of urgency dictates his actions, as his hands fiddle and manipulate with the various configurations of materials. His eyes dart from edge to edge, as though he were reading the very air around him. While in this state, it becomes difficult to pull the young boy away.

Ethan is seen by those around him, especially his parents, as a boy who can't seem to stop. He is always moving, writing, or finding some skill to try or game to play.

Mental Description:
For better or worse, Ethan is remarkably curious about those around him. Meeting someone is like receiving a new puzzle; they are pieces to uncover and to learn about. His many questions may seem endearing to some, but others might find them off-putting or crass.

If given the opportunity to aid someone in a task, Ethan will go out of his way to see it through. There is very little that brings as much joy as sharing his curiosity with others, and to help them learn cooperatively.

Receiving the acceptance letter into Hogwarts has intrigued Ethan, though he is still quite unsure what it all means. His first instance of magic happened many years ago, and he can't be sure if what he experienced wasn't some weird dream. As he ventures into this world of magic and wonder, Ethan's core traits will be on display: curiosity and an unrelenting perseverance toward helping others.

Ethan was born to a pair of muggles near Sheffield. During his earliest years, he spent most of the days with his auntie while his parents worked. She made quilts for those in need during the winter, and she instilled a paramount importance of generosity in the young Ethan. As he entered school, it became apparent that his aptitude for mathematics far surpassed his reading comprehension and abstract levels of thought. Misunderstanding social cues would become a reoccurring theme in Ethan's life.

Outside of school, Ethan is fond of playing football with his mates. Sports and games excite him, and their rigid rules and structures allow him to completely understand the strategies involved. When he is alone, he enjoys writing short stories and creating fantastical worlds of myth and legend.

When he was eight, Ethan's mother suffered a catastrophic accident at her job. The procedure that followed saved her life, but her hearing did not return. As a result, Ethan learned sign language to better communicate with her. When he is troubled or scared, he often crosses his hands across his heart.

Now that Ethan is set to travel to Hogwarts, his parents are supportive. They don't understand what is happening, but have been assured that Ethan will receive an unparalleled education. He will be around those who share his abilities and aptitudes, and he will grow into well-prepared young man.
First Instance of Magic: At the young age of four years, Ethan encountered one of a child's worst fears: a cat stuck in a tree. Seeing no one around, and unable to pull his auntie away from her quilts, he brainstormed ways to help the marooned feline. As he stood under the wavering branches, Ethan's legs began to tremble. He felt something provoke him, an urging from beyond his own consciousness. It told him to jump, and he didn't have the wherewithal to resist. He was airborne, cat in hand, and back to the ground before he could comprehend what had happened.

Of course, Auntie didn't believe him. Mommy and daddy didn't either. As the years went on, the memory faded in uncertainty. Finally, it drifted to the back of his mind where it would lay dormant for seven years.

((NOTE: I share an IP Address with Evelyn Decipio))

I previously joined with Arnold Richardson Nov/18/2022. I would like to deactivate that account and start over. And I was also directed to mention that I share an IP with the writer of Evelynn Decipio.