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Melissa Reyes
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,0 cm mayhaw wood and rougarou hair
So you want to hear a story?

I´m joking, it doesn´t matter wether you want to hear it or not. I am still going to tell you. Or you could just stop reading... hum. Please don´t. It wouldn´t be very polite on your part.

So this story starts on a May 21, my mother, Mary Reyes was sitting at home sewing and-
Oh, so you want to skip to the interesting parts? Okay, I can do that.
I guess my story really starts the day my dad decided his family wasn´t enough. His wife wasn´t enough. His daughter wasn´t enough. Five year old me watched from our door as he packed his bags and got into the car. He didn´t even look back as he drove away from his previous life. From us.

Now, I know what you want to ask.
"And then your mother told you she was a witch and you rode away into the sunset?"
Nope, sorry. Looks like the good for nothing of my dad was a wizard. Who my dad actually is? No idea. My mother refuses to say his name or speak of him, and I´ve long since forgotten his last name. Either way, don´t know, don´t care.

Eh, what else can I say... guess now is the time to present you with the old boring facts about me. I was born on a rainy July 12, so I never suffered the calamity of having to endure the "Happy Birthday" song during class. My mother is a strict woman (it comes with being a professor in college) and I guess the sudden leave of my father made it worse. So my house isn´t really the place where one would hear laughter... eh, maybe that´s why I have such a bad taste in jokes?

As she so kindly put it when I was younger:
Be serious Melissa! Life´s not a place where you can just bamboozle around all day!
I think that was kind of harsh to say to a six year old that thought it would be funny to walk under the rain without an umbrella. Then again, it´s not my place to judge her. And for all the seriousness she raised me with, I know she loves me.

Being a single mom comes with a lot of problems, and I learned early on that being a quiet and obedient child solved at least one of them. This slight change in my behaviour, however, along with my more than atrocious sense of fashion (I swear, I´ll never understand this "unspoken rules") did not give me many friends.

Though it has never bothered me much, I do hope to make more friends in Hogwarts. I´ll admit, I had some trouble believing it at first. I mean, who doesn´t hear "You´re a witch and soon you´ll get a letter to attend a magic school in Scotland" and think that their mother didn´t take her pills for anxiety?

The weeks after The Talk with my mother were quite tense. I avoided being near her like the plague and instead prefered to take long walks across the city. She tried to convince me every time we talked, and I would just nod, smile, and run out of the house as if the devil was chasing me.

It wasn´t until the day I was jogging through London and then appeared in my house that I started to believe her. Then the whole shenanigan witch the letter happened, and now here I am. A witch that will attend a magic school in Scotland.


It feels... surreal, to say the least.