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Moon Honeylemon
07 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,8 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Appearance :Moon is an elegant 11 year old, with a mane full of brown hair that falls like moonbeams around her shoulders and her back. Her dark brown eyes shimmer with curiosity and depth, reflecting her keen intelligence and insatiable thirst for knowledge. Moon's long lashes frame her gaze, adding a gentle touch to her kind figure.

Mental health: Moon's positive mental health is a testament to her resilience and inner strength. she prioritizes self-care and not being stressed, because of this, Moon is often seen as a friend that can help stop arguments and help friendships. She recognizes the importance of nurturing her physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, while carving out time for activities that replenish her soul and energize her spirit.

Bio: Before her eleventh birthday, Moon's life was filled with moments of wonder, discovery, and the gentle guidance of her family. Growing up in a busy street in London, Moon's childhood was imbued with the simple joys of exploration and imagination. she joined the golden trio, consisting of her besties at 10, even though they had been friends for 5 years.

First Instance of Magic: Moon's discovery of magic was when her younger brother had eaten her secrete stash of lollies. it was Moons tenth birthday, and her brother had eaten her lollies while she was at a sleep over with the golden trio, when she found out that her parents let him eat her stash she lit her mums lamp on fire on the spot, luckily her family was fine and her mother put out the fire before the fire spread to further into the house, of course her parents were some-what proud as moon has a shot at getting into Hogwarts.