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Ace O'Brien
17 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,6 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: short brown hair, brown eyes, likes things from the 1900's. she always wears a gold necklace with a big blue diamond in it. she usually wears black and some red.

Mental Description: brave, protective over her best friends, will hurt you if you are mean to others. she is ambitious, bold, accountable, amusing, athletic, alert, caring, confident and kind to everyone. she is kind to everyone.

Biography: doesn't know biological family, her biological parents didn't want her so they put her up for adoption, got adopted by his new parents, didn't change last name, has a younger sister who is also adopted, parents don't like her, and her sister is the favorite, she doesn't have many muggle friends due to being distant among others, she is a supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community but isn't a part of it, doesn't like mean people. her best friends are always there for her. only has her best friends with her, her best friends are her only friends that she has since she is not very good at making friends.

First Instance of Magic: broke all of the glass in the house at the age of 8 by getting Angry after having a big fight with her adoptive parents, this is why her parents like her sister more, after she broke all the glass, her parents made her pay for all of the damage that she caused which was around one thousand dollars.