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Colten Ingraham
Wizard born
12 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
27,9 cm hornbeam wood and dragon heartstring
First name, Colten. Last name, Ingraham.

I would describe my looks as normal. I have a good smile. I have brown hair. My height is 4'11. My weight is 89 pounds. My hair is normal, not long or short. My skin color is white. I have good muscles.

I would say that my personality is really good. I almost always have a smile on my face. I am really funny and fun. I would say my main emotion is happy. I love to play sports. I also love to read. I like to read action books. I also love to write. I have written about four books now that are not published and are super short.

My life before Hogwarts was a fun life. I would do a lot of fun things like ride bikes and swim at beaches. I have three brothers. Their ages are 9, 7, 1. My parents have a decent amount of money. I was not the coolest kid in my school. I had a lot of good friends that would always make me laugh. I played many sports and I was amazing at them.

My first encounter with magic was when I was 8. I was at a funeral for my great grandma and I was really sad. On the drive home I started to cry and it started to rain above me. My mom was also crying. My dad looked back and pulled his wand out and did a motion with it and said a word I do not remember.