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Kamine Stars
27 Mar 2012
Preston, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,9 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Kamine is a pale skinned small and skinny girl. She has very short dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has year round freckles and wears a pair of round yellow glasses. She often wears a dark blue shirt and leopard print pants. She wears a green sequin dress to special occasions.

Mental Description: Kamine suffers from depression and anxiety as well as a fear of getting below average grades. She often regards herself a dummy or a nitwit who is failing class. She is an energetic, bright, intelligent, and compassionate person, who also has a great affinity with adventure and stands up for bullied kids. Kamine is bisexual and identifies as a female with the pronouns she/her

Biography: Kamine is the daughter of two Japanese immigrants and her best friend is a fellow Japanese, a half-blood in the neighborhood named Rose Vangorder. Kamine loves to argue against the dropping of the atomic bombs on her people. Kamine loves drawing and reading. She also like using perler beads. Her favorite book series are Wings of Fire and Warrior Cats. Kamine likes to play track and field and soccer. Kamine is currently in a romantic relationship with Rose Vangorder.

First Instance of Magic: Kamine was seven and being bullied and chased. She jumped to get away and ended up nearly 20 feet up in the air