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Sarah Espley
28 Aug 2012
Stoke upon Trent, England
First year, Hufflepuff
22,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: A short girl of 4 feet and six inches. She has light brown hair, done up in braids. A dash of freckles sits on her cheeks.

Mental Description: My character is alright mentally. She suffers from a lot of nervousness about her first day and wizarding life, considering she's a muggle-born. Despite that, she's very energetic and creative. She rambles a lot about things, and gets over-excited easily. She's an over-achiever and a people-pleaser in every aspect. She will constantly try to make new friends, if not a little awkwardly. She absolutely loves to speak her mind, that much is clear.

Biography: Pre-hogwarts, Sarah lives with a single mother. Her mother is not exactly in the most great conditions, as they live in a rougher area. Her mother suffers from a toxic relationship with alcohol, she and her younger sister(currently aged one to her eleven) have been 'pub kids' all their lives. She's forced to care for both her mother and her baby sister. While their relationship is somewhat strained, her mother does care for her, and vice versa. She's had to mature a lot in her years, being forced into the role of a parent.

First Instance of Magic: Sarah's first instance of magic occurred at the age of six. She was getting upset that her mother was going to the pub to drink some more (she already had a few beers at this point) and leave her with her grandmother. Her nan was more an old crotchety type of woman, so Sarah would rather have not been left alone in her care. Rather than let her mum go walk out into the pavement, in a moment of sheer panic, her magic caused the beer can to just disappear. Her mother, seeing this, was so surprised that her nearly fell backwards. It ended up being a trick that worked in her favour, as her mum assumed that she was just seeing things and ended up staying home, not wanting to go out further if she was drunk enough to start seeing 'crazy' things.