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Tommy Patterson
Wizard born
20 Apr 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
23,9 cm elder wood and kneazle whiskers
Age: 11
Weight: 110lb
Height 4'11.5"

Tommy Patterson is a young strapping lad who stands at 4'11" and a half (but 5' if you ask him). He has dark brown hair cut into a male wolf cut. He has icy blue eyes. His sharp facial features give him a stern and unfriendly nature.

Mental Description:

Despite Tommy's cold exterior, he often worries about his future and living up to the high standards his family has set for him. Worsened recently because his wand is made from elder wood. Despite the stress and pressure for from his family and "special destiny" (which he doubts he will have) he does agree that he meets the criteria of an unusual wizard. For wizarding school, Tommy hopes to find an area of magic he is passionate about and make his first group of friends. Prior to Hogwarts, Tommy was often the source of neighbourhood ridicule because of his eccentric personality.


Tommy grew up in a family that was by wizarding standards of high achievers for non-purebloods. The family would often claim that they deserved to be at the pure bloods, but could never prove this claim. Given their high pressure, they would often prod Tommy, trying to force his first instance of magic. All this did was put strain and stress on Tommy as he wondered prior to the even if he was even capable of magic and what would happen if he was not. Social life was not much better as Tommy marched to the beat of his own drum. He had issues fitting in with other children. Often being picked last in games and mocked for his "odd" behaviour (which he still does not understand as odd) by other children in his neighbourhood.

First Instance of Magic:

Tommy's first instance of magic occurred during a round-robin selection for a ball game at the local park. After having been picked last every game for the entire year. When one of his bullies (which he prefers not to name or talk about) argued, the team that has Tommy should get two extra players since he is so bad. Tommy lost his temper and forced the ball the bully was holding to explode in his hands. While this did little more than scare the boy (and other kids) Tommy received some satisfaction as it meant he 1) scared the bully and more importantly 2) could use magic and could worry a little less about his family's pressures.