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Eliyja Viperou
31 Oct 2011
Kilkenny, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
27,5 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
She / They


Physical Description:
Eliyja Pythora Viperou has long, curly, flowy black hair, pale, fair skin, and a thin, pretty, triangular face shape. Pairing with the thin face, their body was also rather thin; not very skinny, not large, either. She has full lips, usually painted black gloss. Coming from her mother, she has bright green, almond shaped eyes, that are, most of the time, lined in thick black eyeliner, in the cat eye style. She has a high, upper class Irish accent. Her voice is light and lilted. She's feminine but not girly girl like. Black, red, green, and purple and the topmost favorite colors of hers. You can usually see them paired together in her outfits, but only some get paired. Black and red; green and purple; purple and black; green and black; red and purple; green, purple, and black; red, purple, and black.

Mental Description:
Slight hint of depression symptoms, Bipolar I Disorder, ADHD. Quiet and dark, but not unable to answer questions in class. Smart. Loves Muggle - borns

Born on Oct 31, 2011, Eliyja was born to the Pure-Blood Viperou family. Because of that, she has grown up pampered and spoiled. Although, she is not crummy and preppy. She is, in fact, the opposite. Quite grim and slightly Gothic, Eliyja has never hidden the fact that she loves the color ( or shade, depending on where you stand in that debate, ) black. Her parents are Violet Viperou ( F 35 ) and Asterius Viperou ( M 37 ).

First Instance of Magic:
At the age of 7, Eliyja had fallen off of a nearby bridge in her village. She had played several times on that bridge, so she had not expected to fall. She had, in fear, closed her eyes tightly and curled into a ball. She also did not expect the rocks under her to feel like a comfy bed.