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Olivia Ashford
21 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
21,8 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Olivia is a young witch from England.
She is 153cm and athletic.
She has mid-length brown hair, which she often ties in a ponytail when she needs to focus, warm hazel eyes and a sun-kissed skin tone.

Mental Description: Olivia is a smart and curious girl, excelling in math and science. She is quite skilled at sports, but her real passions are reading, playing video games and go for long hikes with her brother.
Her favourite foods include pizza, popcorn and her mother's secret recipe mushroom stew.

Biography: Olivia grew up in a village on the outskirts of London, with her Muggle family. She has a brother named Jeremy, which is 2 years younger.
She met her best friend, Sylvia four years ago, and after rocky start they become best friends and are now inseparable.
She is a very good student, very smart and always getting good grades.

First Instance of Magic: During a sleepover at Sylvia's house when she was 9 years old, her best friend's mum made them pizza. While going upstairs carrying a plate full of pizza slices, Olivia tripped on the edge of the carpet, stumbling forward. She watched in horror the pizza slipping from her hands and falling towards the floor. However, the plate gracefully flew over the desk in the friend's room, as it was magic, saving the precious pizza and their fun night.