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Elias Raimond
09 Nov 2011
Bristol, England
First year, Slytherin
27,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Elias has soft, often messy, dark brown hair, which he occasionally dyes; narrow, dark brown eyes; fair skin, and is around 4 foot 12 in height. He mainly prefers wearing casual clothes such as hoodies and jeans, since that's the kind of interesting thing he found from Muggles.

Mental Description: Elias is quite a chill and laid-back person most of the time. He prefers to spend more time alone, doing calm things like reading, painting, playing guitar or listening to music. He's a very observant person and pays attention to little details around him, making it very easy for him to see how someone's feeling or different changes in people or places. However, he can be a little too distant or inconsiderate at times, mainly when he'd rather spend time by himself rather than with others.

Biography: He lived with his mother, Aeris Raimond; father, Atlas Raimond, and older brother, Alex Raimond (who already graduated). Elias was mainly in the centre of attention from the moment he was born since he's the youngest in the family and the 'top priority'. In terms of education, he was home schooled by his parents and was quite passionate about learning new things, especially art and literature. He got on surprisingly well with his older brother, though a little less well with his mother since she was constantly around him and not giving him that much space. 'A little too caring.' in his opinion.
First Instance of Magic: When he was 9, he was in his room, finally getting a moment of peace, and was peacefully painting a 'sunset at the beach' scene. As he was adding finishing details on his art, without any magic added to it or anything, the birds in the scenery started flying (within the painting) and the tides in the ocean were rising and falling, while waves travelled across them. Elias hung up the painting on the wall and called his brother to come see, but once he arrived back in his room, the painting looked normal again.