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Lily Moon
Wizard born
24 May 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,6 cm black walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: I have curly ginger hair that trails down my shoulders. I have stunning pale blue eyes. I wear my favourite black hoodie most of the time, and I have my special witch hat.

Mental Description: I am kind to everyone I meet, even if they're harsh to me, I know there is good in them. I always put others first and I care about my friends and family. I am smart and very motivated to complete work at school.

Biography: It's just my mum and I at home. My father left the family when I was 5. He fell in love with another woman and decided to be with her. I am an only child. I usually read a lot, but I love to cook and bake lots of delicious treats. My best friend is Violet Toom. She has lived next door to me my whole life, and we are both going to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry together. I am so excited to come, it has been my life long dream.

First Instance of Magic: My first bit of magic was when I was around 7 years old. I couldn't find my favourite book, I got really frustrated, and then everything around me started to hover and my book was the only thing still on the ground. This shocked me, and when my mum walked in, her face was filled with joy that I too was a witch.