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Adonis Fairchild
14 Feb 2012
Oxford, England
Second year, Slytherin
26,8 cm pear wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Adonis was born with a few feminine facial features courtesy of his mother. He has short and soft dark brown hair that frames his face well, he occasionally styles it but he prefers to leave it as is. He has doe-shaped clear blue eyes framed by long lashes, his eyes paired with his full and oddly pigmented lips cause people to confuse him for a shorthaired girl. His pale and unblemished skin only added to his 'femininity'. The only way to describe his height is: tall, he's taller than most of the people in his age group. He thought that it would finally make people stop confusing him for a girl but it only made him look like a tall short-haired girl, much to his father and aunt's amusement. As for his clothing preference, he likes soft colors and sweaters, he prefers mildly light colors but he also settles for a few dark ones as well. He is known to blur the lines on what boys are supposed to wear, with either pants made for girls or cropped shirts, courtesy of his love for the 80s. He doesn't wear them as much but he can be seen in one or both from time to time.
Mental Description: Adonis is very nice and easily excited, always eager to help as well. While he does like to conversate with people, he has his moods when he rarely initiates the conversation unless his curiosity gets the best of him or under other circumstances. He is what some people would call a himbo due to his lack of what people would call common knowledge and self preservation but that doesn't mean he isn't smart, he is intelligent in terms of self awareness and emotions, but he isn't what people would call book smart. He has moments when he gets socially and emotionally overwhelmed to the point where he needs someone to calm him down or he needs to find something to calm down, most of the time it's painting or any other type of art. He can be blunt in terms of honesty, he doesn't like to lie and he believes that people expect him to be honest with them, it misled some people to think that he has little to no regard for the feelings of people around him but he practically batted his eyelashes at them and they concluded that they were mistaken. Although he was born in England, before his mother died they took a trip to America and he picked up the accent, it somehow never went away, not that he's complaining, he loves his 'yank' accent.
Biography:The Fairchilds were a prestigious family going back centuries, each one filled with success and a comfortable amount of recognition. That tradition didn't stop with Alexander Carlisle Fairchild, the father of Adonis. He went to Durmstrang and graduated top of his class but it wasn't until he received a job offer as an Auror from England's Ministry of Magic that he met a french healer named Lucille Dumont, the mother of Adonis. He fell head over heels for her while she didn't give him the time of day, until he had almost died after a dangerous encounter and she'd commended him on his bravery but chastised him for getting hurt. They took it slow at first but their love for each other was strong and it led to the birth of Adonis and an extravagant wedding. Alexander showed tough love to his son and didn't like how his mother treated Adonis like a baby, but he had his good moments. Lucille was Adonis's rock and he was her's, absolutely nothing could set them apart, or so he thought. Tragedy struck years later when Lucille was tragically killed by a dark wizard who was later caught but the damage was done, she was gone and 6 year old Adonis was motherless. His father turned cold and engrossed himself in work, he had invited his sister Theodora to live with him and Adonis so she could take care of Adonis in moments when he couldn't look the boy in his eyes without seeing Lucille. Adonis's world lit up when his aunt started living with them, he started baking and took up art, he was finally whole again. He was privately tutored in many subjects including other languages, all done by his aunt, but math and some others weren't his strong suit. He made many friends in the neighborhood and was constantly referred to by parents when they were telling their kids to be more like him, which was funny to him. When he was 8, he and his father started to slowly but surely develop a deep bond, they were closer than they were before Lucille died which made Adonis happier than ever before. 3 years later, he was hugging his Hogwarts letter with tears in his eyes, his mother had gone to Hogwarts and he was happy to get the opportunity to go as well.
First Instance of Magic: Adonis was only a toddler when his accidental magic happened, he was waiting for his mother to finish her Christmas shopping in a small wizarding village and two women happened to be passing by and got a glimpse of him. They immediately stopped walking and cooing at 'the beautiful little girl', his large smile turned into a frown as he glared at one of the women, but he started laughing when he realized that the woman's hair was turned a sickly shade of green. His oh-so-ladylike mother who was watching the exchange let out a laugh unintentionally and apologized to the women before walking away with her now happy son by her side.