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Elizabeth Stonewall
Wizard born
01 May 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,5 cm sycamore wood and dragon heartstring
My character has curly red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

My character is sweet, often agreeable, often disagreeable, a prankster, a little shy, mostly bold, turns things in (sometimes late), friendly, curious, mischievous, secretive, and rarely lazy.

I was raised in London with my older brother and my Wizard parents. Our parents cared for us deeply and sent us to the best school that they could afford. During the weekend, they hosted parties which we were allowed to attend. I didn't have any friends, they just admired me. On the other hand, my brother had plenty of friends who allowed me to hang out with them. During the week, we went about our day and didn't care much about extra school activities. When I got my letter, my brother grinned, said 'finally we're together,' and hugged me.

My first instance of accidental magic was when I was 5 years old, playing Tag on the apartment rooftop. One of my brother's friends was chasing me as he was IT and I fell over the roof edge. I started panicking and tried to flip over but couldn't before I smacked into the concrete road. When I stood up, I grinned broadly because I didn't take any damage after the fall. Just then, my worried parents ran out, looked me over, and sighed with relief knowing that I was okay.