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Inilrah Moon
14 Nov 2011
Harlow, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,7 cm mayhaw wood and wampus cat hair
Name: Inilrah Moon (En-ill-rah)
Physical Description: Inilrah Moon has light brown hair with slight ash-red tone highlights drifting throughout her hair. Her hair is quite naturally curly, yet she straightens it but maintains to keep it healthy by using her natural magic touch. She has a beautiful array of colours in her eyes mostly green and brown, making a hazel colour catching anyone and everyone's attention drawing them to her. She has a fairly nice tan in the summer but in the winter she is quite pale but a nice pale, not a sickly-looking pale. She is also at an average height and has a lovely body type (average/thin). She is very very pretty, her skin is always as clear as glass followed by some freckles along her nose and cheeks and she always seems to look like she has makeup on however that is just her natural beauty. She has very good style giving a nice 2000s look that makes all her peers aspire to be her and are jealous of her. Lastly, she also wears glasses when she reads but only really at night tucked away in her bed reading.

Mental Description: Inilrah Moon has a very beautiful soul about her something so pure you can never replace her with anyone. Her aura is bewitching, alluring people to be attracted to her. Inilrah is driven and always wants to succeed yet can be reckless, taking risks because she has a very "what's the worst that can happen?" mindset, because she grew up with strict parents, pushing her to her every limit, making her want to rebel and have freedom from time to time. Aside from her cheeky actions, she has the kindest heart you will ever meet, regardless of her rough past, she puts others before herself, cares for everyone no matter what and is also very funny. However, she also likes to test people, put them in their place and can be very sarcastic with people she does not like.

Biography: Inilrah was born a half-blood, her Mother was a witch and her father was a muggle. This caused a lot of pain and confusion in her life, she always felt left out, like she didn't belong anywhere. She went to a muggle school and had a few muggle friends growing up but never related to them and always felt like an outsider, causing unsteady relationships and friends tending to drift away. Her father was very hard on her whether it was making snarky comments at her from a young age or thinking she wasn't good enough no matter how much she succeeded in her studies. Even though her Mother was a witch so Inilrah related to her more than her Father, she sadly was always quite cruel to her as well. Her Mother never told her about magic to protect Inilrah but it only ever made things worse, keeping Inilrah in the dark only to tell her right before her Mother passed away. Left her confused and angry, wondering why her Mother never told her about magic and now she was gone and Inilrah had to figure out everything for herself.

First Instance of Magic: When Inilrah was quite little, she was playing with toy blocks with her old best friend Merunda. All of a sudden her friend knocked down the tower of blocks and laughed, Inrilah screamed so loud it pierced Merunda's ears. Inilrah was fuming with anger and magic was building inside her, next thing we knew the toy blocks were on fire! Merunda ran away crying and scared never to see Inilrah again.