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Malganis Grey
Wizard born
26 Nov 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,2 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: He has a fair brown coconut oil scented skin, long, luscious locks of black silky hair, well cared for, cute dimples this young man is clearly well groomed.
As for their physique, he's slim yet athletic, long muscles light hairs on his chest.

Mental Description:: He is a friendly face, often smiling, always eager to make a new friend and brighten someone's day with a joke or a kind word. Behind those innocent hazel eyes, he is a very sharp young man who is always analyzing, he may be young, yet already strategic for his age, always trying to be on step ahead of the person in front of him. He's very good in reading people, yet social and tries to get what he wants with a cleverly placed smile and compliments. He usually does care about the people around them, likes to be a shoulder to cry on.

Biography: Born into a family of many cultures as his father, a Half-blood, English-Indian, a quiet man who was already of age when Malganis was born.

His mother, Pure-blood and a Moroccan woman with the same eyes as Malganis, made their home a warm and welcoming place, always had enough food to feed the people that visited, fresh victims for Malganis's chess table, the boy learned the importance of family and friends, during the morning hours though he was often in the streets of London

It was a warm and loving home with a mother who did what she could raising her children, the father hard working however didn't get involved in family matters that much, he was a kind man and loved to talk with his children one on one, however not that often.

As the youngest of five brothers, Malganis learned early on the art of negotiation and compromise, navigating the dynamics of his family with a mixture of diplomacy, charm and cunning. He was always tried to broker peace with his brothers, which didn't always work, sometimes they had enough of his manipulation and put him down a peg.

First Instance of Magic:: He recently turned 9 years old, he was on a bridge over the river Thames, he came there often, when the first instance of Magic occurred, he was meditating while sitting on this bridge, focussing when the pebbles under him started to rotate, he opened his eyes and the pebbles fell to the floor.