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Nyria Jackson
03 Sep 2011
Maidenhead, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,9 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: A fair skinned, slim, blonde/whitish hair, blue eyes, (short: 4'3), pureblood

Mental Description: Stubborn, Bit of a Loner, Observant, Troublemaker, Analyzes everything, headstrong

Biography: Nyria is the only girl and the last child to the parents of Ayla and Oliver Jackson. She has 4 older brothers Adrian, Milo, Freddy, and Jessie. (All of which have graduated from Durmstrang Institute, besides Jessie who just graduated at Hogwarts) Nyria's mother (Ayla) is a self-practicing Alchemist and her father (Oliver) works as a Philanthropist in the wizarding world. The Jackson's are proud of their pure-blood lineage and do not want it tainted by any means. Her parents are more in tuned with her brothers and work that they forget that Nyria is there. (They believed she was a Squib, for not showing any type of magical ability at the time, and in turn not part of the family). Which causes Nyria to rebel and run from home (to do her own thing and possibly get into trouble) multiple times. After a year of her running and causing issues her parents couldn't control her any longer. So Nyria was sent to her strict Aunt's house in the middle of the woods somewhere in Britain to hopefully to get rid of her headstrong, stubborn nature.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Nyria ran off late one night she headed straight to her favorite place, the abandoned warehouse a couple streets down. When she finally got to the warehouse she went inside, sat down and started to cry. A few moments later an anger rose up in her, she screams in frustration and anger with her arms pushing away from her. To which the small objects around her are pushed away from the force of her arms.