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Finn Grimstone
15 Nov 2011
Birmingham, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,2 cm mayhaw wood and troll tail hair
I am a very amazing wizard, if I say so myself, in the wizarding world, known for my cunning and ambitious nature. I was born in Birmingham, England. I am sharp-witted and calculating, always looking for ways to gain power and influence. I possess a certain arrogance that comes from my pure-blood lineage and upbringing.

I have striking features such as platinum blonde hair and cold gray eyes that seem to pierce through anyone who crosses my path. My posture shows confidence, which makes me appear taller than I actually am.

Before Hogwarts, I was raised in an AMAZING (Obviously, being a Pure-Blood family) family with high expectations placed upon me by my father. I have grown up surrounded by other pure-blood families who shared similar values of blood purity and disdain towards Muggle-borns.

The first instance of magic observed in me occurred when I was just a child at home. In an outburst of frustration during an argument with a really annoying enemy of mine at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions before their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry began; I unknowingly made all the robes around us suddenly levitate into the air before promptly dropping back down again after being scolded by the wizard who makes wands. My PureBlood family is very amazing, because PureBloods are better than other muggle borns. Yuck. I could NEVER be a muggle born. My name is Finn Grimstone.