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Phern Marilyn
09 Oct 2011
Oxford, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,5 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Female, Short black hair, brown skin with darker brown freckles, wears clear contacts to see better, 4'4, medium sized, died white tips of hair. Black eyes, hair often tied in a short ponytail.

Mental Description:
Personality Traits: Shy-Ish, Nontalkative, caring towards animals and cold-Ish toward other people.
Likes/Dislike: Animals of all kinds, art, fantasy novels, romance novels and the wild (Like the forest and such)
Fears: The dark & dreams
Goals: Become a magizoologist Like Newt Schamander
Strengths/ Talents: Reads pretty fast
Flaws: Not so good with people, has ADD, not very good with cooking anything.
Special Abilities: (none)
Biography:Lives in England with her father who is a wizard and mother who is not, Her mother doesn't like her much because of the wizarding gene she got from her father, but her father adores her and her little sister. Her mother married her father thinking that since he told her that if a wizard and a Muggle married the children have a 40-50% chance of being a wizard/witch wiche was fine with her, but by the time she was born her father and mother were having problems with eachother- so when she was atleast 4-5 years old they divorced. Later her mother was married to another muggle named Larry Rowen.
Parents -
Father- Earl Marilyn(Pure-Blood)
Mother- Mackie Rowen (Muggle Blood)
Step-Father: Larry Rowen(Muggle blood)
Siblings -
Brother- Evan Rowen (Muggle blood)
First Instance of Magic: When reading a book, the book randomly floated for 31 seconds before falling back down.