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Shadow Mist
12 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
35,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
I am a muggle-born, female with hazel eyes & dirty-blonde hair.

My character is adventurous, & caring & loves nature. But has a bit of a gothic side.

I live with my father, in London England,my mother passed away when I was little from an accidental drug overdose. I went to a muggle school, where I made friends with a boy who graciously let me join his group of friends. & we would get into all sorts of mischief. But, we went our separate ways. & then, I made a new friend when me & my dad went camping one year in Julian & we’ve been best friends ever since. But, like the boy who I’d made friends with, we too, have went our separate ways. However, we still contact each other from time to time. But, despite my kindness I often feel more like a Slytherin than a Hufflepuff, but if I do get sorted into Slytherin, I plan to do the best that I can, to improve their reputation in my own way.

My, first time I used magic accidentally, was probably when I was an infant, see, my grandma at the time, had a hole-puncher, you know, like the one for punching holes into paper. Anyway, she had it someplace high where I couldn’t reach it. But, when she stepped out for awhile & then came back a few seconds later, it was on the ground & nobody knew exactly how it ended up there.