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Molly Kim
12 Nov 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,4 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
My character (Molly) is someone who everyone calls “perfect” but she despises the word perfect. Because how can anybody be perfect she always find herself trapped in these high expectations. She was the kind of person who always wants to please everyone which is impossible. She always find herself stressed but even at those times she was always hardworking and study hard. She thinks education is extremely important. In her free time she always read in the garden. Reading helps me escape the stress and anxiety it lets her drift off to her own world.

She thinks look like everyone but everyone says she’s beautiful which shes’s very thankful for. She have long wavy blond hair with brown highlights. She have a slim body figure and big brown eyes. She likes to look neat and formal and make sure she looks presentable. Like most average kids she is 4 feet 8 inches tall.

She always try to think of the positive side and be kind. She is very creative and artistic. She spends some of her time painting nature and be creative with her artworks. Even if her mother always think she shouldn’t waste her time doing muggle activities her mother calls it. If anyone needs help she is there to help them.

She’s lived in London her whole life and her parents sometimes teach her but it’s mostly her tutor (pure blood) who teaches her. Her parents want to make sure she know a lot more than the basics. She live in a mansion because her parents are very rich. She was always grateful for her life and thankful that she can have a personal tutor. Her parents were both in Ravenclaw and she hoped she would be in Ravenclaw one day too. Her whole family got accepted to Hogwarts and she desperately wanted to go there also.

She was 6 years old at that time and was walking down the streets of London when she saw a lonely cat trapped in a cage getting mistreated. She didn’t know what came over her but she was so angry without even knowing she opened the cage door magically. The cat ran out of the cage and followed her back to the mansion. She made sure it was nice and healthy and gave it food and water. From that day on I realized that magic follows emotion.