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Alexandra Grey
19 Jan 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
28,4 cm mayhaw wood and thestral tail hair
Physical Description:
Alexandra is a slight girl, only marginally shorter than average, with wide brown eyes that take up a significant portion of her face. She is mixed and has freckled, light brown skin, as her ancestors moved from Brazil to Scotland. Her hair is brown and long, reaching just past her shoulder in messy, frizzy curls. Usually, she likes keeping it out of her face, and it will typically be in some form of ponytail or bun.

Mental Description:
Curious is a word often used to describe Alexandra Grey. She takes interest in the smallest of things, but her shyness ofter holds her back from asking too many questions. Her curiosity also makes her distracted. She can lose focus on something important because she's too busy with her thoughts. Her head is often in the clouds.

Alexandra was born an only child in Glasgow to two loving, magical parents. She grew up surrounded by magic, and her father insisted on homeschooling her himself. Because of this, Alexandra grew up quite lonely. She did have a few friends, the children of her parents' friends who'd play with her as the adults had tea, but they did not visit often, and Alexandra had to entertain herself. She never let the lack of friends bring her down, instead taking that time to explore the parks and lakes in her hometown. She'd tried adopting several creatures that she had found in her adventures (one that even caused her first instance of magic!), but her parents were clear in saying that the small flat they lived in at the edge of town had no room for another member.
Alexandra is very fond of studying with her father, a retired magizoologist with countless stories and facts that made her eyes sparkle. Her mother, on the other hand, is an potioneer who runs her own shop. She takes great delight in teaching her daughter new, non-dangerous potions with silly results.

First Instance of Magic:
Alexandra's first instance of magic was quite the shock. She was 8, running around her apartment, begging her parents to let her keep the squirrel she'd coaxed out of hiding. Her father was furiously scolding her, angry at his daughter for taking the poor squirrel out of its natural habitat, when, all of a sudden, he began to float, only a few centimeters off the ground. The magic, fueled by Alexandra's fear, slowly spread to a few other, smaller objects in her living room before it all clattered to the ground. Her mother was delighted at this, and although it wasn't very strong, her powers did develop at a normal rate from then on.