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Yvonne Miller
26 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,1 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Yvonne has brown hair that reaches her shoulder's, she has blue eyes and pale skin and she is about 4'9 ft

She is a bit introverted and doesn't talk to people that much. She has a bit of anxiety but nothing that serious. She has a bit of anger issues and gets angry easily when provoked.She has a bit of low-self esteem but other than that she is completely normal.

Yvonne is an only child in the Miller family. She and her mother and father got along well but sometimes they can be a bit too much. Since she is her parents only child they have a lot of expectations for her. She feels pressured and feels like she needs to best in everything. She feels pressured to make friends too because her parents thinks she can't have a normal school life without one. Other then that Yvonne and her parents have a good relationship.

It was December 21 2014, Yvonne was 2 years old that time. She was just playing with her dolls and having a good time. Suddenly though she got really hungry, she looked for her mother to show her the sign she is hungry but her mother wasn't there. She looked around to find her parents but to no avail. She started to cry and sob, one of base on top of the shelf unknownly fell down and broke into pieces. Her parents hurriedly rush to where she is when they heard the noise that was coming from the living room. Her parents were busy putting on the Christmas decorations upstairs and didn't heard Yvonne's cries. They comforted Yvonne until she was asleep