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River Luxley
16 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
29,8 cm dogwood wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:
I have long, waist length black hair that is mostly straight but has a slight waviness to it. My eyes are an ice-like grey-blue and are fox-shaped. There is a small mole under the outer corner of my left eye. I am 4'7 with a thin, willowy body frame and my skin is quite pale. I tend to have a naturally bored expression on my face which, paired with my icy-blue eyes, gives me a rather cold and unapproachable look. I have long slender fingers and tend to wear at least 2 sliver rings at all times. I have 2 helix piercings on both ears and wears small silver studs or rings in them most of the time as well as a standard lobe piercing, also usually with studs or ring earrings in them.
Mental Description:
I have a rather quiet and awkward personality, but if I'm comfortable around someone then I tend to be quite blunt and sarcastic. I prefer reading books more than interacting with others most of the time and rather dislike having to work with large groups, preferring to work with 2 or 3 other people at most. I have a particular fondness for all types of animals or magical creatures, muggle or magical (my parents allowed me to read books on the more mundane species, so I know a lot about them even if I've never seen many in real life). I'm rather ignorant of the ongoings of the greater wizarding world and politics involved, due to my isolated upbringing. I have hyperthymesia, so I remember everything I experience, good or bad.
I grew up raised to be a pureblood heiress, having tutors in etiquette, dance and piano since I was 4 years old. My parents are rather protective of me as my mother had gone through a few miscarriages before I was born, so I grew up a little isolated from the outside world, resulting in my rather awkward personality around others that I don't know very well. I grew up with a lot of love from my parents, but I do not have any friends prior to coming to Hogwarts. I spend most of my days either studying, reading or interacting with the various creatures kept at our estate.

My mother is a pureblood, coming from the Noble House of Hembley from England. She has straight, shoulder length dark brown hair and icy-blue eyes. She is rather tall and is an ex-magizoologist who now works as a housewife, taking care of me and our various creatures along with the aid of our house elves, who are treated quite well thank you very much.

My father is the Lord to the Noble and Ancient House of Luxley, a pureblood family hailing from Norse origins who settled into England in the late 18th century. He has slightly curly jet-black hair and grey eyes, is about 6'1 and fairly muscular as he works as an auror for the Ministry of Magic.
First Instance of Magic:
My first instance of magic was when I was 19 months old, according to my parents, and I summoned one of my toys to me that had been on the other side of the room. I also turned my father's hair green when he annoyed me by taking away one of my books when I was 3. I've had a couple other instances of accidental magic since then, but none are of much note.