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Becca Miller
21 Jun 2012
Treflys, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
22,1 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Becca’s a little shorter than most kids at her school, standing at 4’5” although she likes to tell people she’s 4’6”. She keeps her hair in braids because it makes it easier to brush and it stays out of her face. Becca’s nearsighted and has had glasses since she was 8, which makes sense since both of her parents have really bad eyesight.

Mental Description: Becca’s a sweet kid who loves to play card games. She grew up playing at summer camp and at her grandparents house. She’s good at analyzing things, such as noticing small details in a room, but not as good at analyzing people. She doesn’t make friends super easily as she tends to be the quieter one in a conversation. She loves to doodle and garden, and she has multiple small plants in her room.

Biography: Becca’s family consists of her younger brother, Matthew, who’s 8, and her parents. Her mom’s a teacher and her dad works in marketing. She grew up going to a big public school district. She found a small group of friends, 5 of them in total, who are joined at the hip. They do everything together. Becca normally spent the weekends with them, sometimes going out to the movies or the park.

First Instance of Magic: When she was about to turn 8, Becca and her dad got into a fight. She had failed a spelling test earlier that week, and as a result, her dad said she wouldn’t be able to go out with her friends that weekend. When her dad left, she clenched her fists out of anger, and one of the plants along her windowsill exploded! Panicked, she did her best to clean it up. When she told the truth to her parents, they were more confused than angry, and helped her save up to buy another one.