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Beau Blanc
25 Dec 2011
Mayfield, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,1 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Beau's hair is predominantly black, jazzed up with streaks of dyed blond, a bold statement against his pale complexion. Speckles of brown freckles adorn his face, some more subtle than others, adding character to his features. A mole under his right eye and bottom lip. His eyes are a shade of dark green, almost forest like.

Mental Description: Beau's personality is a complex blend of arrogance and compassion. He exudes an air of snobbery and self-importance, often displaying a high opinion of himself. However, beneath this facade lies a genuine care for others, demonstrating a surprising depth of empathy and concern for those around him. In his own peculiar way.

Biography: Born on December 25th, Beau enjoyed a relatively pleasant childhood despite occasional bouts of loneliness within the confines of his home. Alongside his parents, he found solace and companionship in the presence of their two kneazles, who provided him with warmth and affection in their shared abode.

First Instance of Magic: Beau’s frequent disappointments as a kid often fueled his frustration, culminating in an unforgettable moment when he was six, in the midst of a tantrum, his untamed wandless magic inadvertently caused several flower vases to explode. As he matured and developed a stronger sense of conscience, Beau struggled with controlling his wandless magic