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Carina Ranucci
Stocksfield, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,4 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Full Name: Carina Ranucci
Hair: Dark Brown and Short
Eyes: Pale Ocean Blue
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 71 lbs.
Build: Lanky, Boyish
Birthdate: May 6th, 2007
Born in Italy, Carina is the second daughter of Julien and Harper Ranucci. Her mother is a wixard-born from America and her father a Pure-Blood from Italy. After marrying, they had their three children, Levi, Iris, and Carina, raising them in Italy until the eldest was ten and moving to England so their children could attend Hogwarts. While her brother went to muggle school Carina and her sister we're homeschooled by their Aunt up to the time they were able to go to Hogwarts. Carina's magic surfaced when she was five years old and she's taken an interest to transfiguration.

Carina is quiet but not shy. She isn't afraid of many things, she's too curious too scared, but she's especially brave when people or things she cares about are at risk. Most of the time she's really sweet and supportive, having a loving heart for the good in the world. Carina is bad at expressing her feelings, though. She represses them, not wanting to bother or hurt anyone so she keeps everything bottled up. Her kindness is known to be limitless, which might be a bad thing, too.

Everyone in her family has dark hair and crystal blue eyes, Carina being no exception. She's tall like her father, growing up lanky with long legs, resembling more of a walking stick than anything else. She seems to have more to her than appearance grants, being a little stronger than one thinks. Carina's body is covered in very faint freckles than are darker across her nose. Her ears stick out from her chin length haircut. Her skin is a pinkish beige that burns easily, so she wears hats and sunscreen a lot when she's outside.

Carina has more of a boyish figure, or something gender-neutral, though she identifies as a female. She likes wearing old-fashioned boy clothes from the old times, but for modern-wear she likes hoodies, jeans, and overalls.