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Ellie Rook
13 Sep 2011
Cork, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
22,4 cm redwood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Ellie is a slight girl. Short, lanky, perhaps too skinny. Freckles dot her face, half covered by long reddish-brown hair, with an untamed curl constantly getting in her eyes. Her hazel brown eyes are curious, yet often darting from place to place as she nervously bounces. For reading she is supposed to wear thick glasses, but often chooses to squint and struggle as her glasses tend to constantly slide from her small face.

Mental Description: Ellie is a shy, yet happy child. She enjoys being around people, and never yearns to be the center of attention. Awkward and with little coordination, she is constantly tripping over herself and dropping things, drawing that unfortunate attention. She holds together a bundle of nerves, constantly second guessing herself and assuming the worst in most cases. She often lets her imagination run wild with all the what ifs until she is overwhelmed. Squirrelly, finding it hard to stand still, she is constantly looking about, wanting to be involved but invariably terrified of letting others down.

Biography: Ellie's mother and father were simple folk, kind and caring, but always had high expectations for her. Her mother, gifted in herbology found the love of her life, a muggle, who shared her love of all things green and growing. Together they created a simple life tending and caring for plants and selling them at their small store front which catered to both magical and non magical patrons in separate parts of the shop.

Ellie grew up as a happy child, never asking for much, but given anything she would need. Homeschooled while her parents tended the shop, her upbringing was closely tied to the small family business, although she does not share a natural talent for herbology that her parents did. Ever wanting to be the perfect girl in their eyes, their only daughter makes every effort to make them proud.

Ellie spent much of her time growing up at the flower shop, the small flat she was born into just above, helping around when she was old enough. Although she shares her mothers love and appreciation for greenery and flowers, Ellie doesn't have the same knack when it comes to keeping plants alive, something that she knows disappoints her mother.

First Instance of Magic: Contrary to her parents belief that she had first shown signs of magic at six after retrieving a toy that had been taken away, at the age of four, Ellie can vividly remember running through the shop with a large can of water, instructed by her mother to wet the large ferns in the front window. It was the first time that Ellie had been asked to do the task alone, while her father was out and mother busy in the back. She could remember the determination to make her mother proud and show her that she could be of help to the family business. In the next moment, Ellie felt as though she was flying, although it was no more than a missed step as the small child struggled with the full can. Landing harshly skinning her knees, the watering can skidding to a stop and emptying across the floor, Ellie instantly fought back tears, terrified to disappoint her mother and tell her that she had failed in the task. She crawled to the can, and held it in her arms, empty but for a few drops. The tears began to flow, and she tightly shut her eyes wishing that she had not been so clumsy. Suddenly she felt a weight in her arms. She opened her damp eyes to see the can once again filled with water. She carefully stood and accomplished the watering task, returning to her mother's side, never telling her of the accident that had just occurred.