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Avery Finch
22 Dec 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
24,1 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
C H A R A C T E R:

Pronunciation: A-vuh-ree
Nicknames: Ave, Little Bird
Age: 11
Personality Type:
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Known Languages: He has studied the language of runes from books in his house, but not proficient
Physical Appearance:Avery has short light blonde hair and blue eyes, there is a small scar on the left side of his cheek

P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E:

Eye Color: Powder blue
Hair Color: Light sandy blonde
Height: 4'5 Approx
Weight: 6 Stone l 80 pounds
Scars: A small scar on the bottom left of his cheek
Accent: British accent
P E R S O N A L I T Y:

Mental State

Avery's mental state is fairly well balanced as far as one can expect, having two worlds of living because of his mixed blood heritage he is able to understand that there is two different worlds of identities before him, the wizarding world, and the human world, each coming with their own sets of pros and cons, despite the influence around him of both sides, he is his own person on his own path.
will expand on his mental later!

Pre-Hogwarts, the City of Edinburgh
Edinburgh is certainly a Hogwarts in itself to Avery. Full of discovery and mystery and mythic awe it couldn't be a better place for him to live. Edinburgh only fueled the direction of life that he is already living, the city's ancient history propelling him into uncharted territory and discoveries he's felt like have been waiting for him his whole life. From a young age he has always been exploring the nooks and crannies that the city has to offer.

Accidental Discovery of Magic Capability
It was always hoped that Avery would have the capability to become a wizard and keep the magic alive in the family. Though as the years went on the boy showed virtually no signs that he would one day wield a wand in the world. Academically studied and well versed in all things in the wizarding world the boy was never capable of bringing the Magic to life despite even holding his grandfather's wand against his parents knowledge and saying the right words he failed at creating any Magic. A growing concern grew in his parents hearts but their friends reassured them that he would be a late bloomer and seven was just too early for him, as the years continued on with no change eventually his father stopped trying to encourage the magic to evoke in him, he stopped speaking of wizardkind all together with Avery, disappointed in what his son would not be.

One day under the oak tree in his backyard at ten, he once again went around collecting samples from the same flowers and plants he'd done hundreds of times over just to see if the weather, season, their continual aging ever changed the makeup of these flowers when he felt a sudden connection to the dittany that grew underneath the tree, one he'd never felt before. Unsure if it was a trick of his eyes and his rampant imagination or if this was actually happening he swore he felt the plant reaching out to him, brushing his fingertips as if to say hello with its roundly budding leaves It felt alive, breathing, speaking to him As if some dormant part of him had now awakened. This new found two way connection made his heart pound with excitement. From that moment on he knew his life would be changed forever! He raced inside to tell his parents what had occurred, elated