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Falcon Dark
20 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,8 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: I have short black wavy hair. I have piercing jet-black eyes. My skin is naturally fair but tanned from practising athletics. I have an athletic body. I am of medium height. I am quite muscular as I work out quite a lot. I am slightly underweight. I have a tattoo of a falcon running down my shoulder. I normally wear a small smile on my face. I am an expert in martial arts and am known to be able to take down more than ten people at once in a fair fight between students.

Mental Description: I am very friendly. I'm usually very enthusiastic. I am quite shrewd. I'm patient. I'm strategic. I am very practical. I am creative and have a huge imagination. I am fun-loving and adventurous. I can't stand bullies and always try to teach them lessons.

Biography: My life was actually not bad. My father is Phoenix Dark, my mother is Sphinx Dark, and my 14-year-old sister also studying at Hogwarts is Griffin Dark. My best friends were Swan Lake and Hawk Gray.

First Instance of Magic: My first use of magic was when I covered Hawk with ice by mistake. He was frosted for some time before my father came and got it melted off.