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Andy Loggins
11 Oct 2012
Perth, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
23,9 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather

A very cool looking boy. He has a big smile and big arms. He really likes soccer and doesn't know anything about magic. He
has smooth skin. He doesn't have a lot of friends and eats KFC. He hopes he will be a doctor. He has a big house and he is VERY VERY VERY wealthy. He doesn't like the fact that you have to learn and hopes He will become better in studies at his muggle school. He dresses up in shorts and sport clothes. He looks pale and dull with brown back hair. He looks like Draco Malfoy but doesn't have the same personalty as him. He always games with his only friends and has a good life living as a muggle until he gets a owl from Hogwarts. A professor came and handed the letter to Andy and his family and explained the magical world. He is a different guy now. He wants to learn. He always eats Chinese food. He loves food. He encountered magic when he was angry and accidentally
broke a plate with the anger he had in him. His mother and father where shocked. This happened in Perth Scotland when he was 9 years old. He lives in Perth, Scotland, and has brown eyes. He has nice parents and one brother named Max Loggins. he already got the letter a. couple weeks ago and is determined to go to Hogwarts . "Three more years, boy, three more years." Andy Loggins always says. Andy used to be a worker for a shoemaking shop somewhere in the middle of Perth, his hometown in Scotland.He once saw a group of hooded people who paid in a strange type of money for their shoes. Who knows what kind of adventures he will face in the magical world?