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Elentiya Ellie Scamandr
06 May 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,9 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Brown hair, just below shoulder length. Bushy eyebrows, hazel eyes, and very short for her usual age. As she's 11 years of age, she's still relatively normal height. Skin very pale and white, under any and no circumstances can she not be in the sun for a very long time, since she'll burn red as a tomato and peel like a snake.

Mental Description: Mentally she is relatively stable and normal. When she meets new people she usually keeps to herself unless someone speaks to her themselves, and when they get close to her she becomes a social butterfly, only to her good friends. As quickly as she gets shy, she just as easily gets irritated easily but has a lot of restraint and patience.

Biography: Her parents are very loving and very supportive of her life choices and what she does with her time. She doesn't give them reason to fight with her even though she's very mature for her age as an 11 year old.

She does not have any siblings and/or any cousin that she is aware of.
She only knows that her Grandfather is very familiar with magical creatures and she herself would like to learn more about them as its a real fascination to her.

First Instance of Magic: She loves to read.. and by reading one night under her covers with a flashlight, she fell asleep while reading and had a dream where she was in a snowy landscape, cold to the bones, while being chased by a white wolf, only to realize that it was actually an Animagus. Then she woke up, seeing that her whole room was filled with snow, and on her nightstand an ice sculpture of the very white wolf that she saw in her dreams.

That was the very first time she did magic accidentally, thus it rarely happens since her Mother got a magical item to place on her head that will make her magic vanish while she sleeps.